American Song

Punk - The Shot Heard Round the World

Joe Hines Season 4 Episode 3

Get in touch!

Punk may have been born in America, but it had many homes around the world.  In every place it went, punk became part of the struggle for social change.

Punk's roots are in the blues, music made for expressing struggles and refusing to accept things the way they are.  With heritage like this, it should be no surprise that it moved people and shook things up in the powerful ways it did!

Join us, as we see how punk expressed the real lives of the people making and listening to the music in far away places like the UK, the USSR, South Africa and East Germany.  Witness the remarkable impact the music had on the social fabric of the times - showing that music really can change the world!

This is an inspiring story of people pushed into a corner, and battling their way out, armed with guitars, drums, and a pen.

Warning:  This episode includes quotes of song lyrics, including some "f-bombs".  If you have young children around, you may want to choose an appropriate time to listen. 

In This Episode:

Robert Johnson
Iggy Pop

English Punk

  • The Sex Pistols
  • The Clash
  • Malcolm McLaren
  • Richard Hell and the Voidoids
  • The Jam
  • Bono
  • Elvis Costello
  • The Alarm

Punk from the USSR

  • Grazhdanskaya Oborona 
  • Avtomaticheskie Udovletvoriteli 

South African Punk

  • Fokofpolisiekar 
  • Kalahari Surfers
  • National Wake

East German Punk

  • Namenlos
  • Schleim Keim
  • Wutanfall

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R&B Was Born on the American Song River
Musique Concrete: A Radical Rethinking of Sound and Performance